Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of the messaging app Telegram, has been placed under formal investigation following his arrest in Paris, where he arrived on a private jet over the weekend, Al Jazeera reports.
Durov’s detention is a part of the ongoing debate regarding the criminal liability of digital platforms and raises questions about the boundaries of free speech versus the enforcement of the law.
On Wednesday, French judicial authorities announced that Durov, a citizen of France as well as Russia, is being investigated for allegedly failing to cooperate with law enforcement during criminal inquiries and for possible complicity in crimes facilitated through his app. Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau stated that an investigative judge found sufficient grounds for the formal investigation based on the charges initially brought against Durov.
The charges include suspected involvement in operating an online platform that enables illicit transactions, distribution of child sexual abuse images, drug trafficking, and fraud. Additionally, he is accused of failing to provide information to authorities, money laundering, and offering cryptographic services to criminals.
Beccuau stressed that other French investigative bodies, along with international partners, particularly in Belgium, have voiced similar concerns regarding Telegram’s lack of responsiveness to requests for assistance in criminal cases.
Durov has been granted bail under conditions that include a five-million-euro (some $5.56 million) deposit. He is required to report to police twice a week and is restricted from leaving France while the investigation proceeds.
In a statement released on Monday, Telegram defended its operations, asserting that the platform complies with European Union laws and adheres to industry standards in its content moderation. The statement reiterated that “Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe,” describing it as “absurd” to hold a platform or its owner accountable for abuses.
Durov holds citizenship not only in Russia and France but also in the United Arab Emirates and Saint Kitts and Nevis. The UAE Foreign Ministry has reported that it is “closely following the case” and has requested that France provide Durov with necessary consular assistance “in an urgent manner.”
In support of Durov, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov expressed hopes that he would have “all the necessary opportunities for his legal defense” and assured that Moscow is prepared to offer assistance to the Telegram CEO.
As Durov faces these serious allegations, accusations have emerged from Russian officials and X owner Elon Musk, accusing France of stifling free speech through his arrest. In response, President Emmanuel Macron took to social media on Monday, categorically denying any political motivation behind the arrest and stating that it is part of an independent investigation.