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Toddler Attacked by Aggressive Golden Eagle in Norway

Toddler Attacked by Aggressive Golden Eagle in Norway
  • PublishedSeptember 9, 2024

A young golden eagle attacked a toddler in southern Norway, leaving her with severe injuries that required stitches. The attack, which occurred over the weekend, is believed to be the bird’s fourth assault on humans within a week, according to ornithologist Alv Ottar Folkestad from BirdLife Norge, The Associated Press reports.

The string of unusual attacks took place over five days in a vast mountainous region of southern Norway. The golden eagle, a common bird of prey in the country and its second-largest, typically preys on smaller animals, foxes, and sheep. The recent aggression has left victims, including a toddler, needing stitches and medication for deep wounds. The bird was ultimately killed following the attack on the child.

Folkestad suggested that the eagle likely had a behavioral disorder that drove its aggressive behavior. “What happened is radically different from normal,” he said. He added that the attacks were likely perpetrated by a female eagle born this year, noting specific details in the plumage that indicated it was the same bird.

The most recent incident happened in Orkland, a small municipality in southern Norway. A 20-month-old girl was playing outside a farm on Saturday when the eagle attacked her “out of the blue,” clawing her viciously. The girl’s mother and a neighbor rushed to fend off the eagle, which made three attempts before it was struck with a piece of wood and killed, Folkestad reported.

The girl’s father, speaking to Norwegian broadcaster NRK, said his daughter sustained injuries that required stitches on the back of her head and bore scratch marks under her chin and on her face. One of the wounds was dangerously close to the girl’s eyes. The family, requesting anonymity, confirmed they are doing fine, and the toddler is recovering.

Police have acknowledged the attack but have limited details, noting that a gamekeeper has been contacted. Three other individuals have also reported similar attacks, including a man who captured the incident on camera.

Mariann Myrvang, who was attacked last Wednesday, recounted the harrowing experience to NRK. “Something big and heavy landed on my shoulders,” she said, adding that she cried out for help before falling to her knees. Her husband managed to chase the eagle away using a branch. Myrvang received penicillin and a tetanus shot for her injuries, which included deep claw marks.

Golden eagles typically measure between about 2 feet 7.5 inches to 3 feet in length and have a wingspan of roughly 6.5 feet. The males weigh between 6.6 to 8.8 pounds, while females can weigh up to 11 pounds.