Asia Health Science World

Woman Gives Birth to Twins, One From Each Uterus, in Rare Medical Occurrence in China

Woman Gives Birth to Twins, One From Each Uterus, in Rare Medical Occurrence in China
  • PublishedOctober 3, 2024

 A woman in northwestern China has delivered twins, one from each of her two uteruses, in a rare medical occurrence that has captivated the country, CNN reports.

The mother, identified only by her last name Li, welcomed a boy and a girl via caesarean section at the Xi’an People’s Hospital in Shaanxi province last month. The hospital described the event as “one in a million,” highlighting the extraordinary nature of the delivery.

Li was born with two cervixes and two uteruses, a condition called uterine didelphys that affects approximately 1 in 2,000 women. Despite the rarity of the condition, it is even rarer for twins to be conceived naturally in each uterus, and even more so for them to be carried to term.

Li’s journey to motherhood was marked by both joy and hardship. She had previously experienced a miscarriage, but in January, she became pregnant again. Early ultrasounds revealed that she was carrying not one, but two babies – one in each womb.

Under the “close and strict” medical supervision of the Xi’an People’s Hospital, Li successfully delivered healthy twins. Her son weighed 7 pounds, 19 ounces, while her daughter weighed 5 pounds, 30 ounces.