Politics USA Wyoming

University of Wyoming Trustees to Vote on Concealed Carry Rules for Campus

University of Wyoming Trustees to Vote on Concealed Carry Rules for Campus
A statue of Socrates stands outside the University of Wyoming Law Building (Andrew Towne)
  • PublishedNovember 15, 2024

The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees will decide next week whether to allow concealed carry of firearms on campus, concluding months of debate and public input on the contentious issue, Casper Star Tribune reports.

The proposed rules would permit faculty, staff, students, and members of the public with valid Wyoming concealed carry permits—or permits recognized by the state—to carry concealed firearms on campus under specific conditions.

The process to reexamine the university’s gun policies began after Governor Mark Gordon vetoed a bill in March that sought to eliminate most gun-free zones statewide. In his veto message, Gordon encouraged educational institutions to revisit their gun policies to ensure safety while allowing concealed carry in certain circumstances.

In response, the University of Wyoming solicited feedback from stakeholders, including students, faculty, and the public. A September survey of more than 2,900 respondents revealed strong opposition to allowing concealed carry on campus. Nearly two-thirds of respondents favored maintaining the current gun-free policy, with opposition particularly pronounced among faculty (87.5%) and staff (74%).

The rules up for consideration outline several requirements for individuals who wish to carry concealed firearms on university grounds:

  • Permit and Notification: Permittees must notify campus police annually and provide written acknowledgment of the rules. They must carry their permit and valid identification at all times while armed and present both upon request by law enforcement.
  • Concealment and Storage: Firearms must remain fully concealed and secured while on the person or stored in a firearm storage container under the permittee’s direct control.

The rules also designate locations where concealed carry would remain prohibited, including:

  • Facilities primarily used for law enforcement operations or administration, unless consent is granted by the chief administrator.
  • Detention facilities, prisons, and jails.
  • Courtrooms, legislative meetings, and governmental entity meetings.
  • Athletic events unrelated to firearms.
  • Establishments serving alcohol for on-site consumption.
  • Portions of facilities focused on patient care, labs with hazardous materials, and controlled substances.
  • Meetings of the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, or Associated Students of the University of Wyoming.

Campus police would retain the authority to request individuals relinquish firearms when necessary. Violations of the rules could result in disciplinary actions for students, faculty, and staff.

The board will review and vote on the proposed rules on Thursday before noon. If approved, the changes could make the University of Wyoming one of the few public universities in the region to allow concealed carry on campus under regulated conditions.